

Is the roast date important?

Is the roast date important?

Did you know freshly roasted coffee is not necessarily tasty?...
by Ghostbird Coffee on July 05, 2021
Roast Levels

Roast Levels

Depending on the degree that the coffee bean has been roasted, it dictates what kind of flavours or character that one would expect from your coffee. To some of us who may or may not be aware, coffee has three main roast levels, those roast levels are light roast, medium roast and dark roast.

by Ghostbird Coffee on June 27, 2021
What is the difference between Espresso and Filter coffee?

What is the difference between Espresso and Filter coffee?

The line between filter coffee and espresso can be a fuzzy one. What typically makes them different between espresso and filter coffee are preparation methods used. Today, we will explore more and share with you what it all means!
by Ghostbird Coffee on June 22, 2021
How to read a coffee label?

How to read a coffee label?

What does it all mean? How do I read the information on it?

In today's blog, we’re talking about the coffee label! So how does a coffee label help you make a decision in buying a coffee which you may like? Let’sΒ  talk about the few major elements of a coffee label which will help you make a more informed purchase the next time around.

by Ghostbird Coffee on June 09, 2021